Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Giro 2014 Stage 11 - Rogers Rides Away

It wasn't that long ago that Mick Rogers finished up a little ban for an adverse analytical finding after the Tour of China. To be fair to the lad, it wasn't that much Clenbuterol and everyone knows that you only need to look at a piece of meat in China to test positive. Anyway, I mention this because the Giro is one of Rogers' first races back since his ban ended and he sneaked away to win the stage today.

All of which reminds me that it's been a while since we had a round up of Drugs News, so here we go. He may not be a pro anymore, but Jan Ulrich (a former Rogers team-mate) should, by all accounts, have failed quite a few tests in his day, so it is somewhat ironic that he should fail a booze test after crashing his car into some other cars.

And who could forget one-time Giro contender and full-time bell-end Riccardo Ricco? His Pro days are way behind him, but he still managed to get busted trying to buy drugs at Macdonalds.

Not to mention the news that Xenon is now a banned substance. Which begs the question, what the fuck do I do with all these?

I suppose I should probably take a look at them there scores. And who should be highest scorers of the day but the Charmers?

League Standings - Stage 11

Pretty in PinkVincent Paul Lavallee2190
ENRICO 666Erik Mortier3161
SmugblokesMark Philo4136
Sean Kelly All-StarsPatrick Hough6115
Evil ChanbotsEvil Dr Chan7111
Mungo CyclingMungo8107
Bile BeansVestan Pance995
MADFORITSWarwick Anderson1070
Flying HutchmenHutch1156
WilkoOliver Wilkens1347
KLOEFEKAPPERS FCJan Van Belleghem1438
Dead Rubbers Usually Give Surprisesdrew stephenson1534

Mungo is still winning the overall though.

League Standings - Overall

Mungo CyclingMungo12241
Bile BeansVestan Pance31966
MADFORITSWarwick Anderson51822
Evil ChanbotsEvil Dr Chan71608
ENRICO 666Erik Mortier81557
SmugblokesMark Philo91479
Flying HutchmenHutch101325
Pretty in PinkVincent Paul Lavallee111309
KLOEFEKAPPERS FCJan Van Belleghem121054
WilkoOliver Wilkens13964
Sean Kelly All-StarsPatrick Hough14766
Dead Rubbers Usually Give Surprisesdrew stephenson15628

Tomorrow is the time trial. Cadel used to be pretty fast against the clock, but not so much recently. Quintanna has had done some fast TTs in him time too, the Uranator not so much. Should be an interesting stage for the GC contenders.

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