Wednesday, May 19, 2010

News Flash! - Landis Letter Leaked

Stage 11's shenanigans were a bit like that TDF stage a few years back, when the bunch let a break containing the then-unknown Oscar Pereiro get over 10 minutes on the then race leader. I only mention this because the then-race-leader was Floyd Landis.

Now, I know we all thought we'd seen the back of him and his denial of sound isotope ratio evidence, not to mention his resemblance to Mr Punch.

In fact he's still racing, (badly) here in the US. Anyway, he's back in the news now, as there's rumoured to be a letter from him spilling the beans on his dodgy, drug-taking past. I thought it was a bit strange that we're now into the second week of the race (and my blog) and there's yet to be a drug-scandal, (although there was that story about mechanical doping). So hold onto your hats folks, it could get interesting! Especially if the letter mentions Floyd's US Postal days!

1 comment:

  1. Those devices seems abit heavy to me, I prefer the ol' hang onto the team car and see the doctor type of mechanical doping...
